Saturday, February 28, 2009

Day 8 of Lockdown

Day 8... this really isn't fun, I'm so tired of being locked in my cage all the time.  I think my slave is going to cave and let us out before the 14 day mark, 10 days is the minimum and 14-15 is recommended but I think it is bothering her to see us locked up.  She keeps apologizing to us, even though we know it isn't her fault and it has to be done.  But I think I'll act mad at her for awhile so she doesn't forget who is the overlord.  

Since we are all locked up there isn't much going on so I thought I would post a picture and write a little about my cat slave Sapphire.  She came to us over the Christmas holidays, she was adopted from a shelter.  My slave said she was a birthday present for her, but I think she really was my Christmas present, since she has turned out to be a good slave.  It took a little training, but once I showed her who was boss she came around quickly.  I had to chase her around and use all of "her toys", etc. to make sure she knew I was in charge and own everything.  She quickly caught on that when I put my head down in front of her it means she is supposed to groom me.  It isn't quite as good as bunny grooming but at least I don't have to always do it myself.  Also you can see that I allowed her to lay on my rug for the picture but soon I chased her off to her spot on the couch.  The rug is mine and when I want to lay on it she is not allowed anywhere on it, unless maybe I let her groom me for a bit before I kick her off.


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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day 5 of lockdown

So it is time to stop moping and move on.  Boy this lockdown is awful, I really just want to stretch my legs :(  and we have 9 more days to go.  At least my slave swapped around the cat slave and Moo so the cat isn't incessantly meowing anymore.  She was locked in the bathroom, which you think would be okay since it's a whole room and all.  But she couldn't stand it, it sounded like someone was killing her in there, she must have a bad association with bathrooms or something.  She was adopted from a shelter so maybe she was abused in her previous home.  Moo was living in a dog crate pen and now she gets the whole bathroom.  Admittedly I'm a little jealous, but hey I don't want her living in my cage :P  Now the cat is in the crate and is much better, even though she has way less space.  Strange creature that cat is.


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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Goodbye Gracie :'(

Yesterday poor little Gracie was diagnosed with kidney failure and had to be put to sleep today.  She fought many illnesses and teeth problems but this was finally too much for her.  At least now she is free from pain and binkying at the rainbow bridge.  You are forever in our hearts Gracie, you will be greatly missed by us all.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Vet trip for George and lockdown :(

My cuteness commandos George and Gracie have been a little under the weather lately (for Gracie this is an ongoing thing unfortunately, I'll elaborate later).  So today my slave took George in to get checked out.  While at the vet they discovered that he has mites!! (ewwww)  Unfortunately this means we ALL have to get treated and get confined to our cages for 10-14 days :(  I was told the mites can live off of us for at least 10 days so to make sure my rug and the other furniture are free from them, we need to be kept off of them for that time.  It is going to be very tough on us and my slave, she is going to have to bleach our cages every day to make sure the little buggers are gone.  Ugh, lets just hope these two weeks go fast. :(

But back to George and Gracie.  The vet said that George must have something else the matter with him for his mites to be causing so much trouble with his skin, healthy buns generally remove all signs of the mites through grooming so they are undetectable.  His teeth are good and his tummy felt fine so they took some blood to try to find out what is wrong.  He is pretty sad that Gracie isn't doing so well this might be part of his problem.  These guys were the first addition to my furry army, my slave adopted them back in May of last year.  George is the lop while Gracie is the little up-eared bun.  Their job as cuteness commandos is to distract the slaves with their cuteness so that I can get away with more mischief.  Gracie is particularly adept at this, she even gives kisses to the slaves!  Gracie is far from being a young bunny and has had lots of health issues, but my slave does take very good care of her.  She has very bad teeth, can't put any weight on and has been on 2 antibiotics and pain meds for quite some time.  She hasn't been doing so hot lately and needs to have her molars trimmed tomorrow.  Hopefully she pulls through, I'd hate to lose such a great member of my army.  Paws and ears crossed for little Gracie.


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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New Birdy

So over the weekend a new critter arrived at our place.  Apparently she belongs to my male slave and had been living at his parents house.  Her name is Lexie and she makes a lot of noise.  I am undecided as to whether she would make a useful addition to my army.  Also she isn't furry, so that may be a problem, it is the "furry" army afterall.  Maybe some sort of aerial scout...  This is the best picture my slave could get as Lexie likes to move around a lot.  

Friday, February 13, 2009

Vet Trip :P

So I had to go to the vet for a check-up yesterday.  Sorry for the slow response and lack of a picture, my slave is sick and didn't get a chance to take one of me yesterday.  But the good news is that I got a clean bill of health :)  My teeth look good, the lump on my belly is gone and I lost a whole pound!  I was a little on the plump side when I was at the vets to get spayed in May last year.  It was because of my addiction to Swheat Scoop litter, I'm ashamed but I'll admit it since I have now beaten it.  Once my slave weaned me off of it I was able to get back my trim figure. Chasing my cat slave around also helps keep me lean.  Finally, Moo seems to be improving and she doesn't need any meds yet, here's hoping the sneezing goes away completely.


PS Thanks for reading

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Haircut for Fuzz

Hahaha...  Poor Fuzz, my slave decided he needed a "hare"cut last night.  He was too embarrassed to even come out of his pen.  Unfortunately, he has temporarily lost some of his desert camouflage skills but on the bright side he would be able to infiltrate some stuffed animal or sheep groups *snicker*.  Apparently he is shedding pretty badly right now and my slave thought it would be better for him to be trimmed up to try to prevent some matting.   She claims no responsibility for the uneven fur on his head, saying it just grew in that way.  A likely story...   I have to say I'm glad this is my blog and not Fuzz's or these pictures never would have made it to the internet.   They don't call me the Evil Overlord for nothing .

I guess I'll share the story of how Fuzz came to join my furry army.  Fuzz aka Sir Fuzzalot (although I refuse to call him sir, that's just the name my slaves came up with for him), is an American Fuzzy Lop and came from Rabbit Rescue.  He tells me he was rescued from a shelter and put into a very wonderful foster home.  When he came to the shelter he was sick and very badly matted, they had to shave him and his foster mom (his words not mine) nursed him back to health.  He came here after my slave saw him on the Rabbit Rescue website and just had to adopt him.  He is the newest bunny addition to my army and the youngest. 


PS Thanks for reading

Monday, February 9, 2009

Vet trip for Moo

Today my demolition expert Moo had to go the vet.  She has been sneezing the last few days and my slave thought it would be best to take her in.  Luckily it is nothing serious, she told me the vet said that it might just be some irritation and is not on any meds yet.  This is very good news as I would not want to do any destruction work myself.  However, if she doesn't improve by Thursday (my vet trip *shudder*) she'll need some meds.

I guess this is a good time to tell everyone how Moo came to be in my furry army.  She is a half lop with helicopter ears and one of the larger members of my army.  This fall she was given to my slave by a friend who no longer had time to care for her.    This was their loss and my gain!  Moo has excellent destruction skills, she has taken over all of my chewing chores.  I haven't had to chew anything since, well except that one time the laptop cord was calling to me...  When difficult to replace or expensive items are involved a certain amount of finesse is required and I like to be paws-on.


PS Thanks for reading

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ugh wet snow

No pic today since I would not allow my slave to take one of me in that ridiculous harness she put me in.  It was way too big and I kept getting my front paws stuck in it, I even did a face plant trying to hop in the snow!  I was not impressed, plus I got my paws all wet to boot.  If she ever wants me to take her out in public again she'd better get me a harness that fits and looks good!  She had to give me several treats before I forgave her.  Now I need to find my cat slave to finish grooming the snow from my toes.


PS Thanks for reading

Friday, February 6, 2009

Welcome and some history

Hello, my name is Peanut and as the description reads I am the Evil Bunny Overlord of 2 human slaves, 1 cat slave and 4 other bunnies. I am an adorable minirex, but don't let the cute face and name fool you, I rule this place with an iron paw.
I chose my human slave, Mel while she was volunteering at a local humane society about 4 years ago. I'll admit I am much happier with her than in the shelter or out in the cold. I was the only bunny for quite awhile and we moved around a lot for a few years. I truly became the overlord I am today this past year, as my number of slaves and underlings has grown a lot. The first additions to my furry army were George and Gracie, my cuteness commandos, then there was a short time I was in command of a large white rabbit named Bing, then along came Moo who is my demolition expert and the last addition was Fuzz who is known as "desert combat bunn" for his unique ability to blend into his surroundings (if he was in the desert). My original slave has brought me two new slaves, who I suppose I will put up with. The recent addition is the cat slave Sapphire who is learning the ropes well so far.

I suppose I'll leave it at that for now, the underlings may get a chance to post at a later time.

~ Peanut

P.S Thanks for reading
~ Mel