Friday, July 31, 2009

Update on Chopper

Chopper's blood work came back pretty much normal, so it seems there is no major problems with his kidneys or anything. My slave has been told to monitor his water intake, and if it is as high as she thinks he may need a few more tests done. The vet suggested possibly testing for EC and do a urinalysis. The antibiotics seem to be starting to work, he seems to be sneezing less. I'll keep posting updates as I get them, he'll be back at the vet the end of next week likely, just before his antibiotics run out.

In other news, I think I am starting to get better, although the vet told my slave that because the duplicillin is working I may have a tooth root abscess or something. Now that is no fun :(


Thanks for reading


  1. Thanks for the updates Peanut, sure hope they can nip that abcess in the bud before it gives you too much problems and hope all turns out well for Chopper on the new tests:)
    BIG BUN ((HUGS)) to you both!

  2. Good news on the Chopper front. And you Peanut, get rid of that abscess! We wish every bunny good health so they can take over the universe.

  3. We're glad to hear Chopper's good :)

    Fingers, toes & paws crossed for you, that it's not a tooth root abscess. Keep us posted!

  4. hey you! so you haven't posted since the 31st. i know what it means when i don't post for a long time. i'm hoping you and your bunnies are well...and we will keep you guys in our evil prayers!!

    fats is going to get a second opinion today his last visit was not too encouraging.

    sending binkies and angora ankle dreams to you.
